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Pharmacy U news

  • Pharmacy U Vancouver presenter Dr. Bal Pawa: From fatigue to flourishing - navigate iron deficiency and anemia

    Iron deficiency anemia has long held its position as one of the most prevalent and challenging conditions, affecting millions worldwide. But what if you knew that the landscape of managing this condition is undergoing a transformation? The traditional approaches, while effective, are making way for cutting-edge strategies that promise quicker, more precise, and more patient-friendly outcomes.
    Dr. Bal Pawa
  • The new pharmacy sweet spot

    In an era when pharmacy scope of practice is changing rapidly and we venture out into new practice models, we may feel insecure at first. Perhaps the first few times we administer subcutaneous injections or prescribe antibiotics without a physician we will feel out of place. In these moments we must develop new beliefs, new confidence and a willingness to have flexible convictions as we practise deeper.
    sweet spot
  • Pharmacists have teleprompters for brains (revisited)

    All pharmacists have at least one thing in common: we passed a few multiple-choice exams. Remember when your classmate said he would know the answer when he saw it listed in the options? He was right. And this was the first clue that pharmacists have teleprompter brains.
  • The Hope of Healthcare, Part 9 – The call of courage

    If pharmacists are to be the Hope of Healthcare, we must be alert to the conformities all around us and the results they deliver. Additionally, we must have the courage to explore new models, systems and services which deliver better results.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • Embracing change: an appointment-based model at Kawartha Lakes Pharmacy

    When Ontario pharmacy owner Mike Cavanagh pioneered an appointment-based model of practice in 2018, which is anchored by the synchronization of chronic medications to facilitate quarterly follow-ups with patients, little did he know he would be ramping up the model to new heights during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Kawartha Lakes Pharmacy
  • What if you hire the wrong people in your pharmacy?

    Once we invest (or waste) time doing (or not doing) something, we do not get it back. Staffing your pharmacy is much the same, since time spent recruiting, interviewing, onboarding, training and support a new employee will never be given back. Thus, bringing on the wrong person comes with significant costs.
  • The hope of healthcare, Part 8 – Skills that increase or decrease in value

    When I began my career as an intern, the stories were still common about preparing prescription labels on typewriters. Yes, you read that right. That was the prevailing technology at one time. When printers came along, all sorts of things changed. And for the better. However, if you were a pharmacy that did not improve your technical skill and adopt the printer over the typewriter, you would quickly find yourself at a disadvantage in the care you could provide patients.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • A few simple marketing questions pharmacists should ask themselves

    Marketing can seem like large feat when you aren’t sure where to start. There are a number different tools and strategies you can utilize to market what you are looking to share but what is the right strategy for you. How do you want to approach marketing in your practice?
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