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Pharmacy U news

  • The Hope of Healthcare: Risk management

    Many pharmacists are highly sensitive to risk. I would actually go so far as to say that pharmacists are largely risk averse. And for good reason. We hold people’s lives in our hands. If you have ever made a dispensing error, it sticks with you.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • Negotiating 101 for pharmacists

    Important negotiations are about relationships, something pharmacists know a ton about. Each day we make friends with strangers needing health advice and tools to pair them with.
    thick skin
  • My learning: Essential topics for pharmacy management

    Taking the time to reflect and being open to learning business strategies will not only contribute to our overall success but also provides a greater appreciation for the intricacies of pharmacy.
    Saira B
  • A pharmacist’s journal: writing to find answers in pharmacy

    In writing about the anecdotes and lessons offered by managing people, the business and the profession, I found seven recurrent themes, which I called the seven dimensions of the ideal pharmacy leader.
    Jason Chenard Cascade
  • The Hope of Healthcare – the Call of Courage, Part 3

    Over the years, I have had the privilege of addressing thousands of pharmacists and pharmacy students. While I have not shared this story for quite a while, I believe it is fitting for our consideration of courage.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • Pharmacy U Vancouver presenter Ajit Johal: Influenza in Seniors… Worse than you THINK!

    Pharmacists have emerged as the predominant providers of influenza vaccinations in Canada and provide care for older adult patients taking chronic medications. Therefore, they are critical in identifying, educating, and protecting high-risk patients with immunization and other clinical services.
    Ajit Johal
  • What are we getting wrong when it comes to women's health?

    Just over a year ago I interviewed Carolyn Thomas, a heart attack survivor who now advocates for women’s heart health, after initially being wrongly diagnosed and dismissed by her local hospital.
    Lindsay Dixon and hear health
  • Why the need for Independent Pharmacy Day?

    Last week, on August 31st, we celebrated the third annual Independent Pharmacy Day. The day was a great success as we saw an overwhelming support from industry stakeholders and government officials, with many Ontario MPPs and Ministers (including the Minister of Health) visiting their local independent pharmacy and posting a photo on their social media channels on the day.
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