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Pharmacy U news

  • 3 reasons pharmacists are lonely

    There seems no reprieve to the pharmacist’s daily battles, let alone carrying the weight of nurturing a high-volume prescription count, staff that need plenty of attention and keeping an eye on a business that depends on a ton of moving parts.
  • Letting the phone ring can be good customer service in pharmacy

    While a pharmacist is counselling a patient in-person, would it be appropriate for them to stop to answer the phone? Would we expect this of a surgeon or a plumber? Then why do we have to stop what we are doing mid-thought to answer the phone in the first two or three rings for the sake of good customer service?
    modern smartphone
  • The hope of healthcare part 2 – defining the new reality for pharmacists

    Pharmacists monitor medication safety and efficacy within the drug delivery system. I very much like this definition, but I also understand the need to adjust it as we move forward. We don’t just dispense, we don’t just check for allergies and drug interactions, we aren’t just the medication experts. We are something larger than that which blends these elements (and many others) together for the benefit of the people we serve.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • Accounting mistakes to fix now: a primer for your pharmacy

    The good news is that most, if not all, of these mistakes are easily avoidable or – if you are currently making them – fixable. Yet remember: when you are thinking of selling your pharmacy, time is not your friend when it comes to getting your books in order.
    Mike Jaczko and Max Beairsto
  • It's time to explore pharmacy as the hope of healthcare

    Pharmacists are doing more today than ever before. What are the things you are most excited about when it comes to pharmacy being the hope of healthcare? You can be excited about it, even if you are not currently doing it. All over the world we see our colleagues doing some fantastic things for patient care. What are some of those things that you believe would be an absolute game changer?
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • Pharmacists, firefighters and architects: which one are you?

    Some urgent moments of pharmacy involve getting prescriptions filled, managing wait times and dealing with due dates like order cut-off times, answering phones and patient line-ups. While this urgent work needs to be done, it does not offer much by way of making the pharmacy operate more efficiently or being ready for the future.
    Jason Chenard
  • What's happening with PrescribeIT?

    In the last month I have attended two pharmacy conferences. I was shocked by the number of people who approached me to mention they read everything I blog about here and on my LinkedIn page.
    Bruce Winston
  • You're HIRED! Getting ahead of pharmacy staffing

    While many pharmacy owners are looking to scale back, automate, or even eliminate the need for employees, other pharmacy owners are still facing the hiring challenge, even as the pandemic emergency has lifted.
    Pharmacy staff
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