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Pharmacy U news

  • Target marketing and your pharmacy, Part 1

    Most of us manage our lives by setting goals, sometimes on a long-term basis, other times on a short-term basis. Often people define these targets by simply making mental notes; others use written or journalized reminders. Managing a business is very similar.
    business strategy
  • 7 key questions to ask yourself before making a big change

    Resisting temptation to grow and being sensitive to the concept of taking on too much or taking on tasks that are less like the ones we already have in play bring opportunity and risk. The right growth sets up future success. The wrong growth stretches our elastic too thin.
    jason Chenard
  • Pharmacists, are we prepared for uncertainty?

    The harsh reality is that our modern world is not robust enough to survive instability. Our modern comforts and lifestyles have made it such that we are reliant on those comforts for our very survival.
    Female community pharmacist Kimberley Kallio
  • Intranasal vaccines and COVID-19

    Researchers at Yale School of Medicine have just completed a big study on the use of intranasal vaccines for COVID-19. These aren’t just any vaccine; they are a novel way to stimulate both local (mucosal) immunity as well as systemic immunity, and this could change the way we approach not only future COVID-19 vaccines, but also other vaccines such as Influenza, RSV, and even Cystic Fibrosis.
    Lindsay Dixon
  • Do you have enough eggs for the job?

    Two facts: eggs go rotten & leading people takes bravery. Leading people means developing systems that safely allow everyone to honestly evaluate whether things need to be changed. It means not necessarily having all the answers, but being confident that when the right people ask the right questions, the answers are uncovered.
    Jason Chenard
  • Pharmacists – Expand your options

    How often do we find ourselves in situations where we feel like we have very little choice? This is the only thing we can do. Occasionally, we may look at the opposite position and then make a choice. Often, we may defend the decision as being the lesser of two evils.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • Top tips to empower your pharmacy's staff

    On the way to improving your bottom line, workplace experts, pharmacy owner/operators and others say employee empowerment increases productivity, improves integrity and customer service, provides for better inventory turns and control, and helps attract better employees.
  • Don’t drive buses without passengers

    Leaders give choice in order to fill seats. Covid has opened our eyes to the creepy reality of elite sport on display live in front of no one. Empty stadiums, rinks, fields, studios, courts and pitches, all generating zero ticket revenue. It is analogous to an empty, lonely bus driving without passengers.
    Chenard leadership
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