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Pharmacy U news

  • Use values to anchor your pharmacy leadership

    What are your core values? You may not know them, but trust me, you have them. If you already have a list of core values, I encourage you to review those values with your team regularly.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • Marketing and awareness can improve your sales

    Although some pharmacists might question the role of upselling in pharmacy, it can not only improve their sales but also enhance their patient care.
  • Every Rx for a travel vaccine represents an opportunity

    Every incoming script for a travel vaccine to a community pharmacy presents an opportunity to assess a patient’s preventable travel-related health risks.
    a large commercial airplane flying in the sky
  • Let's get ethical, ethical

    Several weeks ago, I wrote a post about the difference between managers and leaders. A noticeable difference between the two is managers do things right while leaders do the right things.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • How to help your patients with Diabetic Ketoacidosis

    With an increasing number of people managing COVID-19 from home, I have seen numerous ER doctors on social media mentioning a "serious and life-threatening condition that they are seeing frequently in hospitals: Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA).
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  • 5 things to do if you want to be in business 5 years from now

    Feeling burned out? Has your current effort been on growing your pharmacy OR dealing with vaccines, sanitizing, and putting out fires? From a business perspective, it’s time to move your focus back to thinking about growing your pharmacy. If you’re not growing, you're shrinking.
    a person holding a glass with a blue background
  • Promises, promises….staying true to the pharmacist's oath

    I believe that our oaths are one of those defined points that we must anchor ourselves to professionally and with our leadership. Oaths are promises that we make to the people we serve. And when we keep those promises, we can progress in an expected way.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • How do you market prescription transfers?

    Time after time it’s the same story. You look at advertising from most pharmacies and the message is always “transfer your prescriptions” or “fast, free, and easy transfers”. Often we are so focused on our own internal goals of script growth that we don’t truly consider our potential patients’ perspective.
    a close up of a plastic cup
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