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Pharmacy U news

  • The mouth speaks: Ask your patients about their oral health

    The mouth is literally a viral factory, and it is the gateway to the rest of the body. Indeed, gum disease, otherwise known as periodontitis, has now been shown to be a better predictor of COVID-19 severity than a patient's age. This is HUGE.
    Lindsay Dixon and oral health
  • 6 tips to run a better pharmacy

    Running a successful pharmacy is not all fill and bill. There are many more factors that determine the health not only of your patients but of your overall business.
    pharmacy operations
  • How to see your pharmacy through the Leadership Lens

    Do you have a Leadership Lens? Do you look at things with a leader’s perspective? Do you look at situations and assess the ways you can help someone get from where they are to another place? If you do not, do not be discouraged. You are not alone.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • How to turn paperclips into potent pharmacy ideas

    In 2005, I received a phone call with an idea. The idea was to get pharmacists trained to provide immunization services. At the time this was an outrageous idea to me. But I did not reject it. About a dozen pharmacists trained with me that first year. Fast forward six years and I found myself serving on a team that had trained over 12,000 pharmacists!
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • Prescribe this Rx for customer success

    The customer’s experience is the greatest determinant of success in any business. Customer experience and loyalty are harmonious, and nothing differentiates one pharmacy retailer from another more than the ability to engage customers and build relationships with patients.
    qr code
  • Why wearing a labcoat doesn't make you a pharmacy leader

    From the first day I became a pharmacy manager 15 years ago now, I wondered what the difference was in flipping my nametag from Pharmacist yesterday to Pharmacy Manager today.
    Jason Chenard
  • 5 top ways to get your patients to step up for a flu shot

    Ever get tired of hearing people say they don’t want the flu shot because it made them sick? Or people who say they’re really healthy so they don’t need it, or it doesn’t work anyway so why bother? These are just a few of the things pharmacists will hear from their patients over the coming months.
    Flu season sign
  • 6 things a pharmacy manager should measure (but usually doesn’t)

    Your boss might not make these metrics mandatory but that doesn’t mean they don’t provide insightful data into your store-level operation. Just like individual practitioners, pharmacies themselves have identities. What's yours?
    Jason Chenard
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