Antibiotic education works Statement on azithromycin use for respiratory infections in childrenStatement developed because of concerns regarding azithromycin use. Beware bed-sharing Migraine linked with colic Diagnosing and treating pediatric asthma in primary care Most diagnoses, and treatment of mild or moderate asthma, can be done in the family physician’s office Position statement: CPS posts recommendations for nutrition in young athletes Document outlines proper nutrition for children ages four through 18 taking part in athletic activities CLINICAL PEARLS: Don’t stop steroids in kids with asthma Skim milk best? Think again Atherosclerosis begins at birth Ultrasound finds aortic calcification in newborns Updated U.S. guidelines for managing acute otitis media in children Revised guidelines provide recommendations to primary care clinicians for managing the disease in children ages six months through 12 years of age. First Previous 42 43 44 45 46 Next Last