Statins deemed safe for childrenMontreal doctors suggest pediatric use is fine with regular monitoring for adverse events Time to tell kids the truth about tanning beds: MDImpossible to tan without risking carcinogenesis Clinical Notes: Treating fungal infections in children Practice Issues: Pediatric Issues Better food-allergy testing for kids needed Allergy awareness may have increased substantially in recent years, but kids with food allergies are still slipping through the cracks, say experts. Allergy risk higher for kids if same sex parent has one Canada leads revolution in neonatal care Dr. Shoo Lee forms ‘epic’ international collaboration to improve outcomes Steroids shorten adult height Oxytocin shows promise for autism Early data suggest intranasal hormone spray helps with social interaction It’s all in the gaze Autistic toddlers have trouble following what adults look at First Previous 45 46 47 48 49 Next Last