What is the Portfolio Diet?How a Canadian-designed plant-based diet lowers LDL-cholesterol, reduces diabetes risk. Plant-based diet with exercise as effective as drugs in reducing RA symptomsPlants-for-Joints studies investigate various rheumatic diseases. Fibre may be key to preventing rheumatoid arthritis The more fibre, the better the effect. Eating disorders among doctors: How to protect against them? A few studies are pointing to the prevalence of eating disorders among doctors and med students. A nutritionist talks about eating well despite sometimes-difficult working conditions. New resource on managing iron-deficiency anemia Comprehensive handbook written by experts for pharmacists. Hate salad or veggies? Just keep eating them. Here’s how our tastebuds adapt to what we eat It’s an unfortunate quirk of evolution that vegetables are so good for us but they aren’t all immediately tasty to all of us. Dietary fibre affects more than your colon: How the immune system, brain and overall health benefit too Not all fibre is good fibre. What’s the best diet for healthy sleep? A nutritional epidemiologist explains what food choices will help you get more restful zzzs More and more evidence shows that overall dietary patterns can affect sleep quality and contribute to insomnia. Can this food help ‘beet’ COPD? Beetroot juice reduced blood pressure, improved walk tests. Amp it up: Seniors may not be getting enough of certain nutrients by following Canada's food guide A McGill study suggests more specific guidance is needed on nutrition for certain subgroups of the population. First Previous 5 6 7 8 9 Next Last