- 5/26/2022
The good goodbye
Last month I closed my practice in the big city because my husband and I bought a house on an island. It was a challenging three-month transition process, yet I had some valuable insights about how doctors can say goodbye to their patients. - 5/26/2022
POLL: Have you ever witnessed or had to treat victims of gun violence?
In the wake of a tragic mass shooting that killed several school children in Texas, doctors around the world have been discussing how often they’ve seen—and treated—wounds and trauma from gun and other types of violence. - 5/25/2022
Young Leader in Pharmacy Allison Tario: "Young leaders are not afraid to challenge the status quo."
Young leaders are not afraid to challenge the status quo and ask the question: “Could this be done differently?” Just because something has “always been done this way” doesn’t mean it is the best approach moving forward. - 5/25/2022
Quebec drops section of assisted death bill to ensure it gets adopted quickly
Health Minister Christian Dube told reporters today he is making the change to ensure the bill passes quickly through the legislature before the summer break and fall election. - 5/25/2022
Case report: A hot tub rash
A very recent case Dr. Robert Dickson saw in his walk-in clinic. - 5/25/2022
The (medical) funny pages: Gimme a break
Giggles for when you really, really, REALLY need vacation. - 5/25/2022
B.C. launches Canada's first lung cancer screening program for high risk residents
Screening will be available at 36 centres across all health authorities using existing CT scans for those who are between 55 and 74, currently smoking or have previously smoked, and have a smoking history of 20 years or more. - 5/25/2022
QUIZ: The latest on peripheral arterial disease
Are you familiar with recent Canadian recommendations on diagnosis and treatment? - 5/25/2022
Quebec to start monkeypox vaccination of contacts as officials confirm 25 cases
Dr. Luc Boileau says there are now 25 confirmed cases of the disease in the province and about 30 suspected cases are under investigation. - 5/25/2022
The (pharmaceutical) funny pages: Dad jokes and more
If a dad joke gets told and a teenager doesn't roll their eyes, is it still a dad joke? Yes. Yes it is.