- 5/30/2022
Fish tales from the other side of the pond
You can liberate the fish, but as Dr. Gary Kinney explains, you can’t ensure they’ll survive the battle. - 5/30/2022
From Latin poetry to sham surgery: A history of placebos
Technically speaking, we have been using placebos for thousands of years. Ancient medicines and rituals practiced by earlier humans were often (at best) medically inert. The Ebers Papyrus (1500 B.C.) listed hundreds of prescriptions used in ancient Egypt, with modern study finding the vast majority to be “medically worthless.” Whether intentional or not, these were placebo interventions. - 5/29/2022
WHO: Monkeypox won't turn into pandemic, but many unknowns
Most monkeypox patients experience only fever, body aches, chills and fatigue. People with more serious illness may develop a rash and lesions on the face and hands that can spread to other parts of the body. - 5/29/2022
This pain is not age-related! Why won't anyone listen?
After too many years of chronic pain, a proper diagnosis gives elite athlete Dr. Janet Green her life back. - 5/26/2022
The good goodbye
Last month I closed my practice in the big city because my husband and I bought a house on an island. It was a challenging three-month transition process, yet I had some valuable insights about how doctors can say goodbye to their patients. - 5/26/2022
POLL: Have you ever witnessed or had to treat victims of gun violence?
In the wake of a tragic mass shooting that killed several school children in Texas, doctors around the world have been discussing how often they’ve seen—and treated—wounds and trauma from gun and other types of violence. - 5/26/2022
Canadian Blood Service seeks to scrap lifetime ban on sex workers donating blood
The blood-donation service this month recommended to Health Canada that it abolish the lifetime ban on donation by people who have taken money or drugs in exchange for sex. - 5/26/2022
Interpreting lipid parameters
Monitoring serum lipids is a common practice for patients with, or at risk of, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). - 5/26/2022
Obstructive sleep apnea behind drivers falling asleep at the wheel
A growing problem and a danger on the road, but many in Canada remain undiagnosed. - 5/26/2022
Cannabis use during pregnancy up 25% during the pandemic
Researchers caution its use is associated with numerous risks to mom and child.