- 6/28/2022
There's so much to discover with drug interactions
I became a pharmacist because of my love of science and people. Plus, I love the idea of continual learning. - 6/27/2022
Abortion and inherited disease: Genetic disorders complicate the view that abortion is a choice
Few enter into pregnancy with the idea that something could go wrong with fetal development, but approximately one in 25 infants are born with a birth defect. - 6/27/2022
Standing together for fairness and transparency—a pharmacist's call to action
I’m a fan of e-prescribing, but I have all kinds of questions about the PrescribeIT® agreements from Health Infoway. First, allow me to declare my own conflict of interest. - 6/27/2022
Abortion tourism a concern in Canada, but out of reach for most Americans: advocates
The effort and expense involved in procuring a passport and travelling to Canada will likely be prohibitive for the marginalized Americans most affected by abortion bans. - 6/27/2022
Consensus reached on lab monitoring for patients taking isotretinoin for severe acne
International dermatologist acne experts establish a consensus for isotretinoin laboratory monitoring in otherwise healthy patients with severe acne. - 6/27/2022
A connection between breast cancer and diabetes
A new study explores how breast cancer cells inhibit insulin production. - 6/27/2022
Peer review: Can this critical step in the publication of science research be kinder?
It is painful to read harshly worded criticism of work that has taken a team hundreds or thousands of hours and been submitted hopefully and in good faith. From our experience, we know that reviews can be accurate, robust and make every scientific point while using language and tone that is helpful and supportive. - 6/27/2022
Case report: a difficult arm lesion
Usually, Dr. Robert Dickson’s case reports are cases he thinks he has solved. This one, no. And the case does raise some interesting concerns. - 6/26/2022
Mystery drug quiz: Which drug treats infertility?
These drugs all have rather similar names, but one of these things is not like the others.