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Tuneup time for your pharmacy


Pharmacies should be fine-tuning their operations regularly. In truth, it's not always possible to find the time or energy to keep things humming. Here are a few areas, though, that you should take the time to review:

What pharmacists can do for Flu 2022

The key message continues to be: “the best vaccine is the one you get today”. Patients should be advised not to delay their flu shot, as all products are safe and effective for their indicated ages.

DEEP clean your pharmacy

COVID-19 has made the general public much more aware of cleanliness in the public places we visit. Here's your perfect opportunity to do the kind of deep cleaning that makes regular cleaning look like a light dusting – and make it part of your regular pharmacy-maintenance routine.


Revisit your staffing strategy


With anywhere from five to 30 years of experience under their belts, they’re a steadying influence on your pharmacy, they rarely miss a day of work, and their familiar faces and knowledge of products and services keep your customers coming back.

Dust off your 2022 financial plan

2022 is nearly over and that means the time is right to revisit your pharmacy's financial plan for the year. What's worked, what hasn't, and what needs tweaking or a new approach for 2023?

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