Solve my problem: I’m setting up practice. How can I make it as environmentally friendly as possible?We appreciate your help and your colleagues will appreciate your insights! Expecting again? Tips for helping your first-born child thrive with a new siblingHelping your older child or children navigate having a new sibling will help set the stage for positive sibling relationships across childhood and beyond. The case against clinicians ‘prescribing’ time off work (and what to do instead) At FMF, two WorkSafeBC doctors offer tips in a panel called: ‘I need a note for work, doc!’ Problem solved: How to explain med’s workload to possible partners ‘Set aside dedicated, non-negotiable time together. Be kind. Be vulnerable. Ask for what you need.’ Evolving from the ‘feedback sandwich’ to the ‘ask-tell-ask’ method of giving your input to learners Feedback between learners and preceptors is not easy for either side. How to fire a patient In an episode of his video series—the Kindly Country Quack—Dr. John Crosby discusses one of the toughest scenarios doctors can face. Solve my problem: With the plethora of vaccines required for adults at risk, how do you track appropriate vaccinations? We appreciate your help and your colleagues will appreciate your insights! Tips on primary care psychotherapy FPs face growing pressure as 80% of Canadians turn to them for mental healthcare—but how are they equipped to handle today’s demand? No, doctors cannot ask for tips or gratuity under any circumstances After numerous patient reports of prompts to tip, the Collège des médecins du Québec is reminding its members of the ban on such practice. ‘More realistic outcomes’: Research shows 1 in 3 Ont. patients had hysterectomy following endometrial ablation New study results can help physicians manage patient expectations on outcomes of endometrial ablation. 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last