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Pharmacy U news

  • For pharmacists, it's not just where you are going…

    If we want to get to a better place, we need to define the place and lead the team there. Will it be easy? No, it will be difficult. And probably more difficult than you thought to begin with. But it will be rewarding. You will see your team come together in wonderful ways to advance to that goal.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • Pharmacy leadership limits can be good!

    Over the last couple articles, we have looked generally at the limitations we have as leaders. This is nothing to be ashamed of. It is simply a fact of life. We all have limits. Today, we are going to look at how limits can be good.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • Pharmacists profit from the growing skincare category

    Skin health restoration is an emerging area of pharmacy practice pharmacists can be trained in as patient demand for specialized and accessible anti-aging skincare service is a big market trend. A pharmacist-led skincare consultation service in your pharmacy can improve the skin health of your patients and also your bottom line.
    Aaron and Allan
  • 3 top tips to plug your pharmacy holes

    Without municipal water you would have to carry an empty bucket to a well two miles away, take a scoop to fill your bucket and walk it back to your house. Quickly, you would be searching for ways to make the trip more efficient so you could spend less time transporting water and more time on other essential tasks. But what if your bucket had a ton of holes? Our pharmacy dispensaries have many holes, many we don’t realize.
    Jason Chenard
  • How many voices are you listening to in your pharmacy leadership?

    When last we met, we began to look at the concept of seasons and how it applies to our leadership. Today, we are going to look at things from a slightly different angle. We have established that we are all leaders. We all play a role in helping someone at some time do something or go somewhere. But what happens when there are a lot of leaders trying to help someone do something or go somewhere at the same time?
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • What value do pharmacies offer to patients?

    If a patient can walk into any pharmacy and leave with the SAME product and SAME information, where’s the value? What is the value a patient perceives in choosing your pharmacy?
    Carlene Oleksyn
  • Feedback loops in pharmacy workflow

    There are feedback loops with positive and negative impacts happening all day long, whether you notice them or not. What if you could harness positive loops and blunt the negative ones?
    Jason Chenard
  • Improve your physician collaborations

    Clinical practice guidelines and regulatory colleges both recommend interprofessional collaboration. But, even knowing this collaboration can enhance patient care, many pharmacists struggle with enhancing relationships with physicians in their community.
    Picture of author
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