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Leadership in Pharmacy


  • 8/10/2022

    Pharmacy leaders – there's value in the pivot

    How many treatment algorithms have you seen changed over the course of your career? Several! And you know what? We will likely see some more in the coming years. Why did these changes happen? They happened because we realized there was a better destination we could take our patients to, and we changed the way we treated them as a result.
  • 8/3/2022

    For pharmacists, it's not just where you are going…

    If we want to get to a better place, we need to define the place and lead the team there. Will it be easy? No, it will be difficult. And probably more difficult than you thought to begin with. But it will be rewarding. You will see your team come together in wonderful ways to advance to that goal.
  • 7/27/2022

    Pharmacy leadership limits can be good!

    Over the last couple articles, we have looked generally at the limitations we have as leaders. This is nothing to be ashamed of. It is simply a fact of life. We all have limits. Today, we are going to look at how limits can be good.
  • 7/20/2022

    How many voices are you listening to in your pharmacy leadership?

    When last we met, we began to look at the concept of seasons and how it applies to our leadership. Today, we are going to look at things from a slightly different angle. We have established that we are all leaders. We all play a role in helping someone at some time do something or go somewhere. But what happens when there are a lot of leaders trying to help someone do something or go somewhere at the same time?
  • 7/13/2022

    Where are you in your pharmacy leadership season?

    "...we all have seasons where we contribute most. We all have a sweet spot where we deliver the most value. The extension of this is that all leaders have a sweet spot where they deliver the most value."
  • 7/6/2022

    What are the limits of your pharmacy leadership?

    Whether we like it or not, we are all leaders. But even though we are all leaders, we have different skillsets and leadership gifts, and that makes us unique. We are all unique leaders. Today, we will touch on a part of our leadership that may make us a bit uncomfortable. Rest assured, if you become uncomfortable today, that is for your benefit tomorrow.
  • 6/29/2022

    The limit of pharmacy leadership and the discomfort of growth

    When it comes to our leadership, there is a point that we really struggle to move past. And we will never move past that point unless we go through the discomfort of growth.
  • 6/22/2022

    Pharmacy leadership calls for consistency

    When it comes to becoming a better leader, we understand that this process is not automatic. It doesn’t just happen. It takes intentional effort. There is no minimum or maximum time it takes to become a good leader. I would say that it is an ongoing process.
  • 6/15/2022

    What's the most important variable you need to know about as pharmacy leaders?

    In March of 2010 I attended a meeting where I was introduced to the concept of the Appointment-Based Model of pharmacy. A key component of this concept was using synchronized refills to be able to drive the appointments with patients. My imagination was captured!
  • 6/8/2022

    Learn the ABCs D&E of pharmacy leadership

    It is not uncommon when I am discussing leadership with someone, especially a young leader, for the question to come up about what the most important things are a pharmacy leader does.
  • 6/1/2022

    What can the merry-go-round teach us about pharmacy leadership?

    We should strive to be in the centre of activity. When we are here, we gain perspectives that allow us to make better decisions to lead our teams well. The problem is, it isn’t always easy to stay in the centre. We must continually be working to gain this position and perspective.
  • 5/25/2022

    Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities make for better pharmacy leaders

    A few months ago, I made reference to “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunities and how they seem to come along about every two weeks. I am finding that to be very true right now.
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