First generic cefixime now available in CanadaTablets provide an alternative to brand name product on long-term back-order. Travel medicine in Canada: Coming of age? Antibiotics do not improve outcomes in adults with acute stroke No benefit seen from preventive ceftriaxone therapy in PASS study. Portraying the ravages of meningococcal disease Art initiative aims to raise awareness of the vaccine-preventable infection Dengue: Vaccine looks promising Holkira Pak for chronic hepatitis C All-oral regimen provides three direct-acting antivirals with distinct mechanisms of action. Travel-related chikungunya cases rise in Canada Advise travellers about preventive measures to decrease exposure risk. Treating hepatitis C in adults with HIV-hepatitis C coinfection Updated Canadian guidelines outline the latest recommendations for therapy. Providing travel medicine consultations New review article highlights what’s involved and when to refer. YouTube study reveals suboptimal pain control for infant immunization Lots of crying and little comforting in online vaccination videos First Previous 82 83 84 85 86 Next Last