Enhanced public health measures essential to COVID-19 control when reopeningResearchers tested tested various models and found that the scenarios ranged from slight reduction of disease to almost total elimination Povidone-iodine products show rapid in vitro efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 virusPovidone-iodine gargle–mouthwash might be useful in reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission in dental practices How to manage Lyme disease and tick bites during pregnancy SOGC statement provides guidance on caring for pregnant women who may have contracted Lyme disease through a blacklegged tick bite Antibodies may decline rapidly following mild cases of COVID-19 Small study raises concerns about granting antibody-based “immunity passports,” development of herd immunity, and perhaps even vaccine durability Review article consolidates key information about COVID-19 Summarizes pathophysiology, transmission, diagnosis and treatment, with an accompanying patient information page Using PPIs may increase risk of contracting COVID-19: study Previous research has demonstrated that a low level of gastric acid alters the infectivity of SARS-CoV-1—that also appears to be the case for SARS-CoV-2 2020/2021 Canadian influenza guidelines now available Annual update provides comprehensive information on influenza, recommended vaccine recipients, available vaccines and choice of vaccine Understanding Lyme disease Answers to 14 key questions about diagnosis and management Tips to help address the public health challenge created by vaccine hesitancy International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities issues guidance documents for healthcare professionals and the public New-onset diabetes seen in patients with COVID-19, and those with existing diabetes have increased risk of severe COVID-19 International diabetes researchers establish global registry to further study patients with COVID-19–related diabetes First Previous 57 58 59 60 61 Next Last