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  • Can medicine survive modern society?

    Medicine needs three things to survive, argues Dr. Shawn Whatley: civility, logic and free speech.
    Dr. Shawn Whatley
  • Things I learned in 2021

    As the pandemic drags on into its third (!!!) year, here are a few lessons learned that have helped me to not just cope, but thrive
    man jumping from 2021 to 2022
  • All in the family

    My daughter had spent some time in Central America. The day she came home, she wasn’t her usual buoyant self. “I’m not hungry," she said, "and I have a sore tummy.” I learned that no parent should be in the position of being father and doctor to his adolescent child.
    a man wearing a suit and tie
  • Retired but not expired

    The page opened up and the first thing I saw was “expired”! I immediately checked my pulse. Once I recovered from the shock of this misleading and preposterous clinical opinion, I realized what this was.
    a man wearing a hat
  • When self-care is self-preservation

    Self-care has always been a necessity and not a choice. In the past when I failed to meet that necessity for myself, the consequences manifested as extreme stress, doubt, burnout, and an overwhelming desire to quit.
    Dr. Ginevra Mills
  • New Year’s resolution: How to love paperwork in 2022

    This is the year you're going to get the paperwork under control. All it takes is a plan and some discipline.
    Dr. John Crosby
  • 2021: another lost year?

    Dr. Ted Jablonski offers his top 10 Canadian event highlights.
    Dr. Ted Jablonski picture
  • Being a doctor on Twitter in 2021

    Insults and threats from bullies, bots, anti-vaxxers and others unhappy with what the science indicated all took aim at doctors on Twitter this year.
    Pic of author
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