Understanding how to build back equitably after the pandemic requires gathering the appropriate data and being responsive to the groups who were hardest hit by pandemic-related distress.
Lately, I’ve come to realize that “lockdown-related major depression and anxiety” will need to figure prominently in my differential diagnosis for patients with “unspecified complaints.”
It has been over 30 years since hip-hop superstar Tupac Shakur first told the story of 12-year-old Brenda, a sexually abused and exploited preteen mother.
At the medical info conference HIMSS22, the question was raised: Can the technological beast that has made many physician lives so miserable be tamed and used to help reduce burnout?
Is the propensity to say ‘yes ’ to everything learned as part of pre-med school—Yes, I can take those extra courses—or innate to people who want to be doctors, wonders Dr. Ginevra Mills.