Is type 2 diabetes becoming an obsolete diagnosis?Studies suggest T2D patients may benefit from a better subtyping of their diabetes—using 5 subtypes. Pharmacists can help to close the diabetes care gapWhen Rick Siemens from Lethbridge, graduated from the University of Alberta, he quickly realized that many of his patients with diabetes were struggling with their condition. Metformin improves symptoms in people with bipolar disorder: study Researchers from Dalhousie University find metformin may also heal blood-brain barrier dysfunction in patients with bipolar disorder. Off-the-shelf continuous glucose monitors may help diabetic-hemodialysis patients Study shows device can be reliable in this complex population. The great avocado disappointment While they contain helpful micronutrients, they don’t help with weight loss as researchers had hoped. Non-diabetics can have more complications from surgery than diabetics Apparent paradox due to perioperative hyperglycemia in many non-diabetics, need testing. Diabetes medications protect against blinding diseases Metformin and other treatments reduce risk for glaucoma, AMD, but effect varies. A connection between breast cancer and diabetes A new study explores how breast cancer cells inhibit insulin production. State of affairs: Diabetes in Quebec between 2001 and 2019 Dietitians tackle top nutrition controversies Teaching individuals “troubleshooting skills” is more important than setting a hard rule about calorie limits and macronutrient ratios, said one dietician. First Previous 12 13 14 15 16 Next Last