Raising HDL beats further LDL loweringBut controversial add-on drug trial measured plaque buildup, not clinical endpoints I.V. antiplatelet drug can’t beat clopidogrel Sternal closure cement smooths open-heart recovery Introduction of adhesive for cranial defect repair inspires Calgary surgeon to try it for breastbone healing Intravenous iron improves heart failure symptoms Tri-Professional Report: Cardio teams get to the heart of the matter of interprofessional care Other allied health professionals play key role Check for postop MI in noncardiac surgery Many events occur without ischemic symptoms, so monitoring troponins will help Job strain linked with masked hypertension Study reveals people with managerial occupations are more likely to have higher blood pressure outside the clinic Clinical Issues: Cardiac risk assessment before using stimulants for ADHD in children Practice Issues: Venous thromboembolism in pregnancy ECG not needed before stimulant medication New Canadian guidelines address risk of sudden death in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder First Previous 81 82 83 84 85 Next Last