Community spirit boosts success of BP programSmall-town volunteerism praised for helping to reduce hospital admissions Marathon running hard on the heartMRI scans reveal temporary left ventricular injury Fast heart rate a bad sign in congestive heart failure All participants are winners in hospitals’ health competition Cardiac rehab: Women staying away in droves Patients who would benefit most aren’t going, study shows Rhythm beats rate control for anxious atrial fib sufferers Study shows personality plays a role in treatment choice Smoking cessation drug has promise in cardiac patients Ottawa researchers also report success with their program for quitting smoking Counselling helps cut abdominal fat Visits to kinesiologist and dietitian help overweight men make needed lifestyle changes Canadian usage of clopidogrel following hospitalization falls short Adverse Reactions: Clopidogrel–PPI interaction revisited Some proton pump inhibitors may be associated with a decrease in the antiplatelet effect of clopidogrel and an increased risk of cardiac events. First Previous 69 70 71 72 73 Next Last