Water protects the kidney but not the heartHigh intake linked with lower chronic renal disease risk New Indication for Xarelto: Pulmonary Embolism (PE) TreatmentThe incidence of PE in Canada has increased significantly due to the widespread availability and sensitivity of equipment used to diagnose this illness. Water protects the kidney but not the heart High intake linked with lower chronic renal disease risk Cell therapy for heart attack: Results still mixed Recent trials enrolled patients days or years after suffering an MI Gut bugs brew trouble Should CPR guidelines be different in rural areas? Leading edge Toronto Ottawa Heart Summit adds primary care perspective to June agenda Review uncovers deficiencies in patient information on warfarin Assessment finds patient education sheets lack some important content needed for safe use of this drug. Beware high heart rate Bust that clot! STEMI trial touts benefits of pre-hospital fibrinolysis First Previous 50 51 52 53 54 Next Last