Postpartum thrombosis risk lasts longer than thoughtHigh-risk women may need longer anticoagulation Watch out for ‘clinical inertia’ PRACTICE EXPERTS: Adverse reactions - March 2014 Antihypertensives and serious fall injuries in the elderly Increased risk is particularly apparent in those with previous fall injuries. CLINICAL NOTES: New limits for sodium intake Renal denervation dilemma Hypertension procedure a bust in major trial Chair disease strikes again U.S. FDA to review safety of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Will examine differences in the cardiovascular risks of NSAIDs Highlights of the 2014 Canadian hypertension guidelines New recommendations for very elderly patients and new dietary sodium limit. Ontario hypertension study shows significantly positive results Pharmacist-led program quadrupled the number of patients who were able to get their blood pressure under control. First Previous 46 47 48 49 50 Next Last