Bleeding risk increased with dabigatran-statin comboStudy of Ontario seniors suggests caution needed with simvastatin and lovastatin Clinical Feature: Update on managing dyslipidemiaA review of the updated Canadian Cardiovascular Society guidelines for dyslipidemia management. Edoxaban (Lixiana) approved in Canada Fourth direct-acting oral anticoagulant expected to reach Canadian market in early 2017. Relative cardiovascular safety of celecoxib confirmed COX-2 inhibitor is ‘non-inferior’ to ibuprofen and naproxen, trial shows Anticoagulant antidote works Beyond statins: What you need to know about alternative lipid-lowering agents Wrist-worn heart monitors not always accurate Validation ‘imperative’ for serious clinical use, researchers say Case Report: A patient with familial dyslipidemia fails to respond to statins Got patients with a-fib? You need to read this Recent studies evaluate biomarkers for risk assessment and compare oral anticoagulants Pharmacist-directed dyslipidemia care improves cholesterol management Pharmacist prescribing and monitoring of lipid-lowering therapy enables more patients with uncontrolled dyslipidemia to reach LDL-C targets. First Previous 35 36 37 38 39 Next Last