- 1/26/2009
CARDIOLOGY: Stenting leaps ahead of bypass surgery, but ideal balance unknown
From 1995 to 2007, ratio of PCI to CABG rose from 1.7 to 3.7 - 1/26/2009
Three Ontario doctors to vie for CMA presidency
OMA members have until February 26 to cast their votes - 1/26/2009
Elderly exhibit seasonal trends in blood pressure
Higher blood pressures seen in winter, prompting researchers to suggest closer monitoring of patients in cold weather - 1/26/2009
Waits for transfer to alternate care growing
Bed-block rates vary across the country, with Ontario facing the largest burden - 1/26/2009
LETTERS: Family medicine has demonstrated success of Romanow Report
Re: "Romanow Report languishing in the bowels of history" (the Medical Post, December 5, 2008)