- 3/9/2009
Book notes Alberta's medical achievements and challenges
The seeds of state medicine were sown in Alberta before Saskatchewan, according to a Red Deer physician/historian - 3/9/2009
Treadmill helps in peripheral arterial disease regardless of claudication
Benefits of exercise previously seen in patients with leg cramping extend to other PAD patients, according to study - 3/9/2009
Ontario's first come, first served policy here to stay
Concerns persist over how Health Care Connect program fits in - 3/9/2009
When a patient refuses treatment
A sense of loss and indignation flood the ER when an elderly patient refuses the pacemaker she knows will save her life - 3/9/2009
Timely tips to reduce your annual tax bite
In the current economic climate, make sure you claim these common expenses that are often overlooked - 3/9/2009
Hoof it to help the brain
- 3/9/2009
CARDIOLOGY: Flu shot may ward off blood clots
Risk of venous thromboembolism 26% lower in those immunized