- 4/13/2022
Saskatchewan woman alleges hospital broke her premature baby's leg
Teelah Soosay said her seven-month-old baby, Tobias, has been in the Jim Pattinson Children's Hospital in Saskatoon since his birth in September. - 4/13/2022
Montreal study shows effectiveness of fluvoxamine against COVID-19
A new study from the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) confirms the benefits of fluvoxamine in preventing the risk of hospitalization following a COVID-19 infection. - 4/13/2022
Improve health care: Reduce administrative burden
Admin overload: Dr. Alykhan Abdulla argues we need scribes, we need more allied healthcare workers and we need more IT solutions in the second of a three-part series. - 4/12/2022
Horror movies
Child psychiatrist Dr. Gail Beck sees many youths overwhelmed by the Ukraine war and the other crises we face today. 'Real life is more frightening than what can be imagined,' one said. - 4/12/2022
How can you stamp out violence in your pharmacy?
Pharmacies have increasingly become the target of potential violence over the past few decades. The presence of drugs has always put them at risk of robbery, but early and late hours have made them more vulnerable to holdups. - 4/12/2022
Trudeau visits Edmonton, criticizes Alberta's response to opioid crisis
Alberta's United Conservative Party government has focused on a recovery-oriented strategy. Access to opioid dependency programs and drug-use sites has been limited. - 4/12/2022
Where's the plan to deal with continual staffing shortages in Ontario hospitals?
Days after the province's top doctor said Ontario might see up to 600 patients in intensive care during the ongoing sixth wave, hospitals say they're already feeling pressure as a result of staff absences due to the virus. - 4/12/2022
Paxlovid key in COVID fight, but easy access is important: doctors
Those who might need the drug the most would do well to learn ahead of time how they might access it, the country's chief public health officer said this week. - 4/12/2022
Case report: A rash to refer
Dr. Robert Dickson found himself reminded recently of the importance of knowing the limits of one’s medical care. - 4/12/2022
Apply black belt basics and systems mastery to your pharmacy
As a young Sempei, or brown belt karate student, I went through the frustrating stage every brown belt goes through. At the two-year mark, I wanted to know when I would be nominated for black belt testing.