- 11/23/2022
Tech Talk for technicians - November 2022
A table of contents for the November 2022 Tech Talk newsletter, written specifically for pharmacy technicians. - 11/23/2022
China expands lockdowns as COVID-19 cases hit daily record
Lockdowns including in a city where factory workers clashed this week with police. - 11/22/2022
Google versus the pharmacist
The greatest threat to pharmacy practice today is in pharmacists maintaining their relevancy to both patients and payers. While we are becoming less necessary for technical work and checking prescriptions, our other role as “counselling” on medications can also easily become obsolete. - 11/22/2022
Bridging gaps in health care
Pharmacists and their teams were pushed to the limit during COVID-19, and they proved their mettle. The achievements and sheer “stick-to-itiveness” of community pharmacies have served to cement their viability as community health hubs. - 11/22/2022
Cancer prevalence on the rise in Canada shows special report
Lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed and deadliest, shows data collected over 25 years. - 11/22/2022
Old wives tales
Traditional customs surrounding pregnancy and birth are diverse as humanity itself. But some of these beliefs and rituals have fascinating modern medical validity. - 11/22/2022
US$3.5M gene therapy for hemophilia gets FDA approval
The one-time treatment for the blood-clotting disorder is the first gene therapy for it. - 11/22/2022
3 key tips to help you become a more intuitive, customer-focused pharmacist
On the surface, for many pharmacists meeting a customer’s needs might mean filling an Rx accurately with the appropriate counselling, but the more important benefit is not necessarily the patient’s stated purpose. - 11/22/2022
B.C. study finds low but increased risk of myocarditis after 2nd Moderna COVID shot
Lead author Dr. Naveed Janjua said the findings related to second doses for both vaccines show men between the ages of 18 and 29 are most at risk of myocarditis if they received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine.