- 6/15/2023
Peer-to-peer virtual consult platform improves access to specialist care
Primary care providers in P.E.I. get specialist input sooner to streamline a patient’s treatment and reduce number of in-person specialist consults - 6/15/2023
A pharmacist’s guide to managing bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is a chronic condition that requires life-long therapy in most patients in order to prevent relapses. - 6/15/2023
It’s OK for fathers to kiss their adult sons
Dr. David Yan tells the story of how a sudden outpouring of affection from his father toward's the end of his life made the Sinai Health ophthalmologist-in-chief reflect on how important empathy and compassion are to the practice of medicine. - 6/15/2023
POLL: How much vacation do you take each year?
School's letting out for the summer—but are you taking any real vacation this year? - 6/15/2023
POLL: Do you have vacation plans for this summer?
School is out across most of the country and the thoughts of many Canadians turn to summer vacation. - 6/14/2023
Pharmpreneur of the week Marwah Younis: "I am fuelled by a deep passion for community health."
I am fuelled by a deep passion for community health, recognizing its pivotal role as the root cause of the challenges that are overwhelming hospitals. I’m also driven by my frustration with a flawed system that demands reform. As a result, I am dedicated to advocating for the significance of community pharmacy practice and the integral role of pharmacists in bridging the expanding gap in primary care. - 6/14/2023
More IMGs—faster
How Canada can use international medical graduates generally – and Canadian IMGs – to help resolve the doctor shortage. - 6/14/2023
New Markdale hospital in Ontario ready for move in, fall opening
Grey Bruce Health Services is working with Peterborough-based company, Health Care Relocations, on the process to relocate from the existing hospital in downtown Markdale to the new facility. - 6/14/2023
Healthcare workers doubt B.C.’s new whistleblower protections
On June 1 B.C. healthcare workers gained coverage under the Public Interest Disclosure Act, which is designed to protect whistleblowers who come forward with concerns about serious wrongdoing. - 6/13/2023
Childhood immunization rates stayed same during first part of pandemic: StatCan
According to the survey, in March 2021, 92% of two-year-olds in Canada had been vaccinated against measles and polio—similar to the vaccination rates in 2019.