- 8/7/2023
Toronto Public Health urges caution as first probable human case of West Nile seen
The health unit says with the increased hot weather recently there is a higher risk of mosquitos that can transmit the virus once infected. - 8/7/2023
I know a guy
Victoria’s Dr. Stephen Starr is back with another humour item – this one all about the joys of neighbours. - 8/7/2023
Why this Saskatchewan health centre is getting a dedicated door, space for mental health patients
Colleen Quinlan, the Saskatchewan Health Authority’s director of mental health and addictions, said in June that the centre will have two separate waiting rooms—one for those with mental health needs and the other for physical needs. - 8/7/2023
Cyprus allows human COVID-19 medications to be used against deadly virus mutation in cats
The association said in a statement that it had petitioned the government for access to the medication at “reasonable prices” from the beginning of this year, when the mutation that causes lethal Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) began to noticeably crop up in the island’s cat population. - 8/3/2023
Obesity and atypical depression: two conditions that can create a feedback loop
Diets high in saturated fat can cause neuro-inflammation responsible for depressive and anxiety disorders. The risk is increased when obesity is accompanied by metabolic dysfunctions. - 8/3/2023
QUIZ: Test your knowledge about osteoarthritis
As the population ages, there’s a growing number of patients with chronic pain caused by osteoarthritis. - 8/3/2023
An update on the spread of COVID-19, its continued evolution and vaccine options
After three years, here are five key points still causing concern. - 8/3/2023
Health Canada approves first RSV vaccine for adults age 60 and over
Doctors have been calling for an RSV vaccine for seniors because although the virus is common, older people are much more likely to become severely ill and require hospitalization. - 8/3/2023
Dear Premier Ford, you know you’re a conservative, right?
Why are we paying for a bloated healthcare bureaucracy when we need more front-line workers like nurses.