- 3/23/2017
Making clinical services recommendations
It's critical to get comfortable recommending clinical services when opportunities arise. - 12/8/2016
Don’t leave clinicals and $$ on the table!
To increase your value as an advisor, learn about common companion products and their indications. - 10/19/2016
Think like an “entrapreneur”
What can you do to make change happen? Adopt an entrepreneurial mindset. - 3/8/2016
$4.11 and Game Theory: An economics perspective
This is my call to action: It's time we stopped waiving dispensing fees and made the practice unethical. Only then can we start truly start to expand pharmacy services. - 3/20/2014
Leaders (and would-be leaders), this is your chance!
Why not enter this unique award program, that provides opportunities to build your leadership skills? Here's how winning helped me. - 3/17/2014
10% is the new 100%
A realistic alternative to receiving all revenue from the clinical services we provide. - 3/10/2014
A critical look at direct reimbursement
Challenging the position that pharmacists should be directly reimbursed for their work. - 1/29/2014
Smoking Cessation Myths #3 and #4: Nicotine replacement therapy
In this final part of my series, I bust two more myths surrounding the use of NRT.