- 5/23/2017
A 3-minute guide to COPD inhalers
Here's a little clarity to the sometimes confusing world of inhalers - 11/3/2016
5 quick antibiotic tips
Here are some disconnected but (hopefully) helpful thoughts on their use. - 7/12/2015
Collaborative communication
Five thoughts on how pharmacists can make teamwork a little simpler. - 2/1/2015
My top four patient resources
Because people are often overwhelmed by information and need guidance. - 10/26/2014
Antibiotics for UTIs
Three practical tips to consider when treating urinary tract infections. - 8/19/2014
Curbing opioid abuse
Having a clear policy on narcotic fill dates can make life easier for everyone. - 6/16/2014
Welcome to my Practical Crawlspace
Expect concise, easy to implement ideas for improving community pharmacy practice.