- 9/11/2023
A summer unlike any other
Our summer plans were gradually cancelled due to the inexorable progress of fires in the South Slave region. Although the town issued an evacuation notice, the first phase in advising residents to prepare in case of a need to evacuate, it never really felt like an evacuation would actually happen. Could it? - 8/29/2023
Put your own oxygen mask on first
Recently, I have reevaluated what I want personally and professionally. I’m far less motivated by status, ego, and income. I’m content with small pleasures and having control over my time. I get more pleasure from the work I do than before. - 6/28/2023
5 Tips: Discussing weight and health with your patients
Clinical pearls you can use in your practice today.. - 6/19/2022
Aren't WE the compliance professionals?
To truly make an impact on adherence, we have to go beyond education and become coaches, working with our clients to help them successfully meet their compliance goals.