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51 weeks. 51 young leaders. 51 inspirational stories...and that’s a wrap for Season 2!


In Season 2 of the Leadership series, a young/early career leader in pharmacy has been featured on a weekly basis. The goal of this series was to showcase the significant impact and valuable contributions of young leaders who are shaping the future of the profession, and to inspire new graduates to maximize their full potential and explore new and exciting career paths. Leaders were featured from British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Québec…and globally from Australia, Cyprus, Jordan, Malaysia, Spain, United Kingdom and United States. From frontline pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to entrepreneurs and corporate executives...from industry to academia, to regulation and is evident that young leaders are playing a significant role in shaping the future of the profession.

I would like to end the series with a tribute to all the leaders featured. Each had an amazing story and an inspiring message.

Renly Lim (Australia) – Week 1

“Seek help and help others. Connect with people who will help guide and support you as you embark on this new exciting journey, and also connect with those you can help and support along their journey.”

Fairuz Siraj (British Columbia, Canada) – Week 2

“Remember that we pharmacists have not 1, but 2 superpowers. … the first one is that we are the medication experts, no other healthcare professionals have the vast knowledge and training that we do when it comes to medications, and the second is our accessibility; we are the most accessible healthcare professionals out there.”

Rebecka Isaksson (United Kingdom) – Week 3

“Embrace change! Jobs and roles change, and in a field as broad as pharmaceutical sciences there are endless opportunities. When change finds you, don’t worry too much and instead try to enjoy it. Do you want to pivot in your career and pursue a new field? Go for it. Are you hesitating about taking that next step in your career? Don’t; you are going to do great.”

Michael Do (Ontario, Canada) – Week 4

“I love being a pharmacist because I love making a difference in the everyday health of patients and the community I serve.”

Thorrun Govind (United Kingdom) – Week 5

“…if you are interested in something then ask to get involved; the worst that can happen is you get told no!”

Brian Cicali (United States) – Week 6

“I am now at the point in my career that I can begin giving back by sharing my experiences with others and I am finding that providing mentorship to others is just as, if not more, rewarding than receiving mentoring.”

Sandy Faheim (Ontario, Canada) – Week 7

“It’s exciting to know we have ability to impact our community and make a difference, not only for our patients (the pillars of our practice), but also as advocates for the profession itself, our team members, and other healthcare professionals.”

Bing Wang (British Columbia, Canada) – Week 8

“More than ever, it's important to accept change and continually learn and innovate such that when disruption happens you are ready to embrace it. It starts with curiosity and a desire to continuously grow.”

Joella Wang (Ontario, Canada) – Week 9

“With enthusiasm and creativity, I believe young leaders have the full potential to deliver positive changes to the profession.”

Kyro Maseh (Ontario, Canada) – Week 10

“…I love going into work, and I love the patients I serve. I feel the relationship I have with the people I treat has made me a better pharmacist, and a better person overall.”

Laura Chirita (Québec, Canada) – Week 11

“Question the status quo. Don't be afraid to try different settings or even other practice areas. Don't be scared to suggest new procedures or ways of doing things in your pharmacy. The current solution is not necessarily the “right” one.”

John Lee (British Columbia, Canada) – Week 12

“…young leaders are resilient. They are vocal about what is working and what is not working, then seeking solutions and implementing strategic improvement models to drive an impact. This is how young leaders innovate and lead - and this is how we achieve change.”

Mark Zhou (British Columbia, Canada) – Week 13

“Your pharmacy training and knowledge are incredibly versatile and will open up a lot of doors for you. If you haven’t found a role that you’re happy with, don’t give up and find ways to create that role for yourself.”

Alyssa Low (British Columbia, Canada) – Week 14

“I would encourage new pharmacy graduates to be open-minded and treat every interaction as an opportunity to learn.”

Jay Shah (Ontario, Canada) - Week 15

“Pharmacy practice is extremely diverse, and there are plenty of opportunities to gain exposure in different work settings, including emerging areas of practice and non-traditional roles. Don’t hesitate to reach out within your professional network for potential opportunities or mentorship. Continue developing skills that are needed to succeed in pharmacy.”

Sherly Meilianti (United Kingdom) - Week 16

“Experience has shown me that passion, eagerness to learn and reflect, and networking are keys to success. When you have passion for something – no matter what happens – you will always have the strength to achieve what you want.”

Rúben Viegas (Spain) – Week 17

“…ensure you keep investing in yourself, build a network to support your growth and aim for the stars, as you can always land on the clouds.”

Thao Dao (Ontario, Canada) – Week 18

“Young leaders have also grown up in a more feminist society, where there has been a slow shift in normalizing women in power. It is up to the new generation of female healthcare providers to continue to advocate for equal rights and to close the gender gap in leadership positions – it is up to us to prove that women are qualified leaders.”

Chirag Dave (Ontario, Canada) – Week 19

“You are a well-trained healthcare professional – go out there and show the world what you can do, and you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish in healthcare – and beyond.”

Allison Tario (Ontario, Canada) – Week 20

“Make time for things that “fill your cup,” in whatever way serves you, to keep you energized and motivated. Working in health care (especially during a pandemic) can be very draining some days, but finding those joys helps to make the challenges easier to navigate.”

Safiye Çağansel (Cyprus) – Week 21

“I would advise every young pharmacist and pharmaceutical scientist to never stop dreaming, learning, exploring, getting involved with professional national/local organisations and/or international, such as the International Pharmaceutical Federation and the Young Pharmacists Group, and seek opportunities to grow and make the most of your energy and fresh graduate years!”

Godwin Chan (Ontario, Canada) – Week 22

“Young leaders are paving the way for changes in the pharmacy profession by constantly questioning why we do certain things and refusing to accept the status quo.”

Kristen Ramsdale (Ontario, Canada) – Week 23

“Always say yes to new opportunities even if they are outside of your comfort zone; allow yourself to explore different areas of practice that are outside of traditional settings. In every opportunity, you will learn and grow.”

Farah Aqqad (Jordan) – Week 24

“You can only find what you're looking for if you put yourself out there, and the best advice I can give you comes from my experience: face your fears, do what makes you nervous, take chances, and break out of your comfort zone. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what you can accomplish. As a pharmacist, you are called to be a leader right from the start, regardless of title.”

Colin Fee (British Columbia, Canada) – Week 25

“Be a change leader. Don’t be afraid to utilize what you’ve learned in school. Advocate for what pharmacists could and should do, not what pharmacists are currently doing.”

Taj Dhinsa (Ontario, Canada) – Week 26

“Find a mentor who can support you on your learning journey and don’t be afraid of trying things that are completely out of your comfort zone or failing as that’s the best way to learn.”

Reena Lavji (Ontario, Canada) – Week 27

“Never let failure stop you from achieving your goals. Instead, take those experiences and turn them into learning opportunities.”

Mary Adegboyega (Ontario, Canada) – Week 28

“If you want to achieve something, go for it. Make a plan, network with people and learn from them. Then go and achieve that goal! Do not limit yourself, there are so many opportunities for you to prosper. Pharmacy is one of the most versatile courses out there, don’t put yourself in a box! Diversify your skills and go for gold!”

Mayur Tailor (Ontario, Canada) – Week 29

“My advice to current pharmacy students would be to not be afraid to reach out to pharmacists in the community and learn about the vast variation in the roles they can have. The pharmacy profession is currently one of the most rapidly changing professions out there, and by attending pharmacy school you can not only see these changes happen but can have a say in what and how things happen in your community.”

Christine Tan (Ontario, Canada) – Week 30

“Mentoring is the most important aspect of my career. What I love about pharmacists is how willing we are to help our patients and one another.”

Lynn D'Souza (Ontario, Canada) – Week 31

“Young leaders foster resiliency within themselves and others. They recognize that while change is difficult, it also results in new opportunities for growth, leading to confident and courageous individuals who are not afraid to voice their opinions.”

Tiana Tilli (British Columbia, Canada) – Week 32

“Be guided by what's best for patients. Think outside the box. Create opportunities for yourself. Don't get comfortable. Remember that pharmacy is a small world!”

Chinelo Uddoh (Ontario, Canada) – Week 33

“Celebrate your wins, big or small and give yourself a pat on the back for choosing to be part of a noble profession.”

Ajay Chahal (Ontario, Canada) – Week 34

“Young leaders are fresh eyes with fresh new ideas that can help shape how we adapt and optimize the pharmacy profession to these new changes.”

Anushya Vijayaraghevan (Ontario, Canada) – Week 35

“Always follow your passions, continuously be engaged to learn new concepts, and value those individuals around you who will support your vision for the future of pharmacy.”

Chris Shin (Ontario, Canada) – Week 36

“Once you find what drives you, there are many mentors and colleagues in the industry who are happy to help you get there – but first, you need to find and be able to articulate what you want.”

Helen Marin (Ontario, Canada) – Week 37

“Be open to new and different opportunities, even if you think they might not fit what you imagined for your career. Get out of your comfort zone, diversify your experiences and get involved with your associations. You might change course in your career, you might end up in a role that you never expected. Finding what you don’t like is as important as finding what is your passion! Take every opportunity as a learning one.”

Justin Dovale (British Columbia, Canada) – Week 38

“Get a diverse array of experience, and then double-down on what you're good at and enjoy doing. Also, remember that as a professional you have more control over your circumstances than you realize.”

Winnie Li (Ontario, Canada) – Week 39

“Don’t be afraid to try new things. Sometimes great opportunities and connections come along only after you put yourself out there.”

Sarah Blythe (Ontario, Canada) – Week 40

“My best advice would be to make sure you make time for yourself. Unfortunately, burnout is a real risk in our profession and we cannot be at our best if we aren’t taking proper care of ourselves.”

Arzu Moosvi (United States) – Week 41

“…search beyond the means of traditional paths of pharmacy. The healthcare sector is changing with many new opportunities in stock…”

Lori LeBlanc (Ontario, Canada) – Week 42

“You are entering the profession during a time of need but also during a time of tremendous opportunity and excitement! Embrace your knowledge and expertise that you have gained and enter the workforce to offer Canadians the care they need and that you are trained to do.”

Lauren Lueken (Saskatchewan, Canada) – Week 43

“…young leaders are beginning to pave an exciting path for the future of the pharmacy profession by introducing a fresh perspective and new approach to providing patient care.”

Anisha Kaur Sandhu (Malaysia) – Week 44

“Be open to being a lifelong learner, as we are part of an ever-evolving profession. Reflect, reflect, reflect – learning from experiences and situations you face will only help you grow to become a better healthcare professional.”

Alina Rashid (Ontario, Canada) – Week 45

“As pharmacists we are uniquely positioned to work in a diverse range of settings – community pharmacy, hospital, government, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and beyond. Be open to new experiences and new challenges – you grow when you are uncomfortable.”

Olivier Landry (Québec, Canada) – Week 46

“…because young leaders have a different vision relative to previous generations, they can offer a different perspective in hopes of helping our healthcare system flourish.”

Donna Mbamy-Conci (Nova Scotia, Canada) – Week 47

“Feel comfortable to step out into new and unique areas of our profession. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. To fuel your pharmacy career, it important to work in an area that you love and are passionate about. No dream is too big to achieve; my story is an illustration of this!”

James Morrison (Ontario, Canada) – Week 48

“Stay engaged with national and provincial pharmacy associations as well as your college of pharmacy. There are often opportunities to volunteer on committees, working groups, and boards with these organizations. Another way to stay connected with the profession is to attend pharmacy conferences and other education events. Also join the Community Pharmacy Network Canada on Facebook, which was founded by myself so that pharmacy professionals can support with each other and feel connected across the country.”

Aly Háji (Ontario, Canada) – Week 49

“…don’t be afraid of failure. I’ve always viewed failure as a learning opportunity and a chance to improve. Of course, no one enjoys failing and it’s best to avoid it if possible. But failure of some kind is inevitable. Having the grit and determination to turn it into something positive allows you to move forward and above what went wrong.”

Khalid Garba Mohammed (United Kingdom) – Week 50

“Be willing to spend on yourself for personal and/or professional development and mind the company you keep. Never let anyone tell you or make you feel you can’t do it.”

Odette Johnson (Ontario, Canada) – Week 51

“Try to look at every situation as an opportunity for growth and development.”

Thank you to everyone who participated in this series. The future of pharmacy is indeed in good hands!

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